
Increasing information and communication technologies (TIK) by implementing a warehouse management system (ZOM)

The target of the project realized from Silesian regional program 2014-2020 (Działania 3.3. technologie informacyjno-komunikacyjne) is increase of competitiveness PROMONT company by automating business processes using (TIK).

This target will be achieved through the implementation of the ZOM system and the purchase of IT equipment.

Total project value: 1 312 694,10 PLN

Contribution of European Funds: 437 733,30 PLN

Increasing the company's competitiveness by implementing the green co-packing zone

The target of the project realized from Silesian regional program 2014-2020 (Działania 3.2 Innowacje w MŚP Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Śląskiego na lata 2014-2020) is the development and increasing the competitiveness of PROMONT by modernizing the processes carried out in the co-packing zone. This target will be achieved through the purchase of an automatic line for wrapping pallets, lifting forklifts and the installation of a photovoltaic system.

Total project value: 975 483,73 PLN

Contribution of European Funds: 467 914,96 PLN